Friday, February 27, 2015

Iron Chef Variation

Looking for a last minute date night? I love this date, and the best part is there is really no preparation to it. You can do it this weekend with another couple or even just you and your spouse.

I know there are a lot of variations to "Iron Chef" dates, but I think this is a fun way to do it.

Have someone on each "team" roll a die. Whoever gets the larger number gets to choose if they want the appetizer or dinner. (You can pick whatever combo you want or even have a dessert night and each couple does a dessert).

Nic and I got appetizer and our friends Nicole and Josh got dinner.

Take a few minutes with your team mate and come up with an ingredient the other team must use. We chose string cheese for Josh and Nicole and they chose pineapple for us.

Each team will role both dice. Whatever number you get on the dice is the amount of money you can spend at the grocery store for ingredients. You can spend less than that amount but not more. We allowed each team to use whatever ingredients are in a normal kitchen (cornstarch, milk, butter, etc.)

Nicole and Josh only got $5 and Nic and I got $8.

We decided before we went to the store that Josh and Nicole were going to use the oven. (It can be nice to coordinate this before you buy ingredients so both teams are both not trying to use the oven).

Nicole and Josh were able to buy spaghetti sauce, manicotti noodles, and string cheese (their chosen ingredient).

We were able to get a couple of bell peppers, onions, and pineapple. Fortunately, the sauce we chose to make uses a lot of ingredients found in most kitchens so we didn't have to buy anything else.

Nic and I made a sweet and sour sauce to go with our vegetables skewers. We barbecued them. They turned out pretty good.

Josh and Nicole treated us to string cheese stuffed manicotti. It was delicious! (Unfortunately, we didn't get a pretty picture of it).

Hope you get a chance to try this date. Please let us know some of the creations you come up with. 

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