Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Pizza Gnocchi

My family loves potato gnocchi and I'm always trying new recipes that use it.  We just can't get enough!  The other day we had some extra pizza sauce and pepperoni from pizza night so I came up with this quick dish for lunch and it was a hit.  It's fast, simple and delicious.  Enjoy!

Pizza Gnocchi
Recipe By: Prescriptions for Happy Home

1 package Potato gnocchi
20 slices of Pepperoni, cut in half (You can add any other pizza toppings you may have on hand, too)
1 cup Pizza sauce
1/4 cup Parmesan, grated
1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese
Fresh basil, optional

Cook potato gnocchi according to package directions.  Drain the gnocchi and add back to the saucepan with the pizza sauce, pepperoni (or other toppings) and Parmesan cheese.  Stir to combine and cook over medium low until heated through.  Sprinkle individual servings with mozzarella cheese and fresh basil if desired.

Makes 4 servings

What are your favorite gnocchi recipes?  Comment below!  

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