Thursday, September 3, 2015

30th Birthday

30th birthdays can be hard for some people; I made this fun little birthday kit for one of my friends 30th birthdays.

"Now that you're 30 (and a mom), you may find yourself wondering where the years went.
In case of emergenc, the items in this kit can make you feel young again."

There are so many options of things you can include in this kit and even specialize it to the friend you are giving it to. I thought Target was helpful in coming up with items, but really you can shop anywhere or use several different stores. 

I had one item for every category.

Slumber Party Ideas:
  • Sleeping face mask
  • Fleece blanket
  • chick flick and popcorn
  • new pjs
Give yourself a makeover:
  • favorite makeup products (mascara, eye shadow, etc).
  • Nail polish with nail files
  • body spray
  • Hair accessories
Play dress up:
  • Fun socks
  • jewelry
  • hair accessories
  • gift card to a clothing or jewelry store
Have girl time (this category may have overlap with the other categories so either don't include it or use an item you haven't used yet).
  • magazine
  • book
  • chick flick
  • nail polish
  • hot chocolate and mug
  • brownie mix
When all else fails eat chocolate:
  • include favorite candy bar
  • bow of chocolates


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