Little E has a lot of hair bows and headbands, and with another little girl on the way I really wanted to find a good way to store everything.
I was able to make this cute but practical hair bow organizer for less than $5!
I bought this frame at Goodwill for $2.99.
I removed the glass and mats and painted it white. I used the same paint used to paint the walls in our house. It was thick enough paint that it covered up the dark wood, although I still needed to apply a couple of layers.
My husband screwed in these Cup Hooks for me. I bought a pack for $1.99 at Meijer. Don't buy them at Michaels or Joanns I feel like they overcharge you. You can buy a pack at Target, Walmart, Meijer, Fred Meyer or any store that sells hooks.

Hang up with all the bows!
Add headbands to the Cup Hooks.
I was able to make this cute but practical hair bow organizer for less than $5!
I bought this frame at Goodwill for $2.99.
I removed the glass and mats and painted it white. I used the same paint used to paint the walls in our house. It was thick enough paint that it covered up the dark wood, although I still needed to apply a couple of layers.
My husband screwed in these Cup Hooks for me. I bought a pack for $1.99 at Meijer. Don't buy them at Michaels or Joanns I feel like they overcharge you. You can buy a pack at Target, Walmart, Meijer, Fred Meyer or any store that sells hooks.
I hot glued some ribbon to the back of the frame. I found that the thin ribbon didn't hold the ribbons, but I didn't want a ribbon that was so thick the ribbon would fold when the clips were attached. Min ribbon was about 2.5" long but chose one that works well for your hair bows.
Attach the bows in any order you want!

Hang up with all the bows!
Add headbands to the Cup Hooks.
Cute! It's already full, you'll have to make a second one for the baby :)