Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Chocolate Macadamia Milkshale

 Nic and I went on a couples trip to Kauai. Our room wasn't quite ready when we arrived so they gave us credit at the bar. Since we don't drink, we are new to finding fun drinks at the bar. It wasn't on the menu but based on other items on the menu I asked if they could make me a chocolate macadamia smoothie. They made it for me and as they handed it to me one of the men at the bar asked what the bar tender what drink I had. Afterwards, the bartender told me all 4 of the guys ordered the drink (but added alcohol). Cracked us up they I started a little trend.

Once we got home, I couldn't find a recipe for a Chocolate Macadamia Milkshake but was determined to make one. 

Chocolate Macadamia Milkshake

Serves 4

1 C Milk (whole milk makes it richer but I also do skim)

1 1/13 Heavy Cream

1/2 cup Sugar

2 C ice

1 Cup Macadamia Nuts (I usually do an overflowing cup using the Costco bag of whole nuts if the nuts are chopped or you don't want us nutty add less like 1/2 Cup)

2 T Hot fudge (I have often done chocolate syrup which also tastes great the hot fudge just takes it up a notch)

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
